Privacy policy

Last Updated: April 2021

This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how Haas Outdoors, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively hereinafter referred to as, "us", "we" or the “Company") collect and use personal information you decide to share, and help you make informed decisions when using (and affiliated websites owned or operated by Haas Outdoors, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries/affiliates; the websites together with its pages, applications and features are collectively referred to herein as the "Site") and the mobile software application(s) commonly known as “Mossy Oak GO” or “MOGO” (together with its pages, applications, and features is collectively referred to herein as the “App”). By using or accessing the Site and/or App, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

We always welcome your questions and feedback. For privacy-related issues, please contact us at


When you visit the Site and/or App, you provide us with two types of information: (1) personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected by us; and (2) Site and/or App use information collected by us as you interact with our Site and/or App.

When you register with the Site and/or App, you provide us with certain personal information, such as your name, your email address, your telephone number, your address, your gender, and any other personal or preference information that you provide to us.

As with most web servers on the net, when you enter the Site and/or App, we will automatically record certain information about your visit in a "log" file. To the extent applicable, this information may include your IP address, and hostname if available; the date and time of your access to the Site and/or App; the referring page, if there was one; the pages you visit on our Site and/or App; the type of browser and operating system you use (your browser will give this information automatically to all web servers); and the media files you have purchased, downloaded, played, the number of times they have been played, and the last date they were played.

In addition, we store certain information from your browser using "cookies." A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. We use session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in. These cookies terminate once the user closes the browser. To the extent applicable, we may use a persistent cookie that stores your login ID and password to make it easier for you to login when you come back to the Site and/or App. You can remove or block this cookie using the settings in your browser if you want to disable this convenience feature.

When you use the Site and/or App, you may form relationships, send messages, perform searches and queries, form groups, set up events, and transmit information through various channels. We collect this information so that we can provide you the service and offer personalized features. In most cases, we retain it so that, for instance, you can return to view prior messages you have sent or easily see your friend list. When you update information, we usually keep a backup copy of the prior version for a reasonable period of time to enable reversion to the prior version of that information.

You post User Content (as defined in the Terms of Use) on the Site (or App, if applicable) at your own risk. If the Site and/or App allows user privacy options that limit access to your pages, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other Users with whom you may choose to share your pages and information. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that User Content you post on the Site and/or App will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Site and/or App. You understand and acknowledge that, even after removal, copies of User Content may remain viewable in cached and archived pages or if other Users have copied or stored your User Content.

Any improper collection or misuse of information provided on the Site is a violation of the Terms of Use and should be reported to

Payment Information

You must also provide valid payment card information if you wish to sign up for a free trial, subscription, or make any other purchase. Except for the name associated with your card and information about the transaction (e.g., time of transaction, amount), card payment information is collected directly by a third-party payment vendor and is not received or stored by us.


Click here to review our CCPA Notice. If you would like to exercise this opt-out right for The Mossy Oak Store, please go to this page.


If you submit personally identifiable information to us through the Site and/or App, then we use your personal information to operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of the Site and/or App.

We use both your personally identifiable information and certain non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous User usage data, cookies, IP addresses, browser type, clickstream data, purchase and download data, etc.) to improve the quality and design of the Site (or App, if applicable) and to create new features, promotions, functionality, and services by storing, tracking, and analyzing User preferences and trends.

We do not use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send commercial or marketing messages without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out. However, in order to provide you with certain programs or features available to all subscribers to the Site and/or App, such as weather information and mapping, we will disclose your user ID (but not your password) to third party providers of such services. We also may use your email address without further consent for non-marketing or administrative purposes (such as notifying you of major Site and/or App changes or for customer service purposes).

We use cookies, clear gifs, and log file information to: (a) remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Site and/or App; (b) provide custom, personalized content and information; (c) monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, pages viewed, etc.; (d) track your entries, submissions, and status in promotions, sweepstakes, and contests; and (e) fulfill royalty reporting requirements.


The Site and/or App may allow you to create your own profile and adjust privacy settings. During registration, and depending on the privacy settings chosen where applicable, your user information may be viewed by others. This may include but is not limited to your name, email, photos, blogs and videos. Even if you have specified that you want your profile to be private, your User name, profile picture thumbnail, description and hunting preferences may be available in search results across the Site network and those limited pieces of information may be made available to third party search engines.


The Site and/or App may offer the ability to provide comments or to post messages in a forum. Any posts you make will be publicly available.


We may contract with other companies to provide certain services, including credit card processing, email distribution, market research and promotions management. We provide these companies with only the information they need to perform their services and work closely with them to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected. These companies are prohibited by contract from using this information for their own marketing purposes or from sharing this information with anyone other than us.

We may provide information to our subsidiaries, affiliated companies, or other businesses or persons for the purpose of processing such information on our behalf. We require that these parties agree to process such information in compliance with our privacy policy, and we use reasonable efforts to limit their use of such information and to use other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

We do not share your personally identifiable information (such as name or email address) with other, third-party companies for their commercial or marketing use without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out.

We do share non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous User usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, number of clicks, etc.) with interested third-parties to assist them in understanding the usage patterns for certain content, services, advertisements, promotions, and/or functionality on the Site (or App, if applicable).

In some instances, we may be required to disclose specific information upon governmental request, in response to a court order, or when required by law to do so. We may also share information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation. We do not provide information to these agencies or companies for marketing or commercial purposes.

We also reserve the right to disclose personally identifiable information and/or non-personally-identifiable information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to enforce our Terms of Use, take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend itself against any third-party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, to protect the security or integrity of our Site and App, and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company, our Users or others.


We may use your personal information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you.

We may allow other companies, called third-party ad servers or ad networks, to serve advertisements within our Site and/or App. These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to send, directly to your browser, the advertisements and links that appear on our Site and/or App. They automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use other technologies (such as cookies, JavaScript, or pixel tags) to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and to personalize the advertising content you see.

We do not provide any personally identifiable information to these third-party ad servers or ad networks without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out. However, please note that if an advertiser asks us to show an advertisement to a certain audience (for example, men ages 18-34) or audience segment (for example, men ages 18-24 who have viewed certain channels of content) and you respond to that advertisement, the advertiser or ad-server may conclude that you fit the description of the audience they are trying to reach. The advertiser may also use information regarding your use of the Site and/or App, such as the number of times you viewed an ad (but not any personally identifiable information), to determine which ads to deliver to you.

We may use a third party Web analytics service provider that uses cookies and Web beacons to help us analyze how users use this Site and/or App and the effectiveness of our marketing search terms. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this Site and/or App (including, without limitation, your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by them. The service provider will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our Site and/or App and compiling aggregated reports for us. The information collected by them and provided to us is not personally identifiable.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers or ad networks for more information on their practices and for instructions on how to opt-out of certain practices.

Our privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.


When you create an account, you may receive certain emails:

Transaction Emails: When you first create an account, we may send you a welcome email that provides information about your subscription and your account. If you make a purchase, we may send you emails confirming your purchase and detailing shipping or order status. We may also send you other emails concerning your account status and renewals. You may not opt out of transactional emails.

Marketing Emails: Depending on your preferences, we may send you emails letting you know about new programs or features, or promotions. You may opt out of these emails at any time in your account settings or by using links to unsubscribe that are available on each marketing email.


Access and control over most personal information on the Site and/or App is readily available through the profile editing tools. Users may modify or remove any of their profile information at any time by logging into their account. Information will be updated immediately. Individuals who wish to deactivate their account may do so in the user account section of the Site and/or App. Removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be generally available to members of the Site and/or App. Any public comments or posts you have made on the Site and/or App will continue to be available.

To the extent applicable, where you make use of the communication features of the service to share information with other individuals on the Site and/or App, however, you generally cannot remove such communications.


Your account is protected by a password you create. We implement features reasonably designed to protect the security of any non-public personal information that is stored in our database, such as your password. We cannot, however, guaranty the security of your non-public personal information. Hacking, software or hardware failure and other unauthorized access to our premises and systems may compromise the security of our members' information.

Ultimately, your personal information is protected by the password you created when you created your account (or another password you chose after changing a previous password) on the Site and/or App. Please keep this password confidential. The confidentiality of your password is yours to protect. The Site and/or App will provide the ability to update or change your password if applicable.

If you have any questions about the security of the Site and/or App, please contact us.


Our Site and/or App is not intended for use by children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.


From time to time, we may use customer information for unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change, we will post these changes on our Site and/or App. We encourage you to review our privacy policy periodically.


If you feel that this Site and/or App is not following its stated privacy policy or, for questions, comments or assistance, we invite you to contact us.